One downside of quitting Instagram is that there’s no easy way to look back at my posts. It feels like I’ve lost a chapter of my life since it was where I used to share life updates. To preserve those memories, I decided to upload photos and videos from Instagram to my own domain. As the title suggests, I intend to treat it as an archive so I won’t be uploading any new posts there. Feel free to take a look and catch a glimpse of my life from 2017 to 2022.
Below are some useful scripts I used to manipulate files and images to make the website.
# move files one directory up and rename the files
for file in */*; do
mv "$file" "$(dirname "$file")/../$(dirname "$file")_$(basename "$file")";
# remove directories
for dir in */; do
rm -r "$dir"
# rename file to use the date and the first alphanumeric
# before: 202212_317890708_1497357317424272_173764033022_2218499494.jpg
# after: 202212_317890708.jpg
for file in ./*.{mp4,jpg}; do
newname=$(echo $(basename "$file") | sed -E 's/^([0-9]+)_([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*\.(mp4|png|jpg)/\1_\2.\3/'); mv "$file" "./$newname";
# create thumbnails (300x300 in size cropped in center) for every img in directory
mkdir -p thumbnails
for img in ./posts/*.jpg; do
magick "$img" -resize 300x300^ -gravity center -extent 300x300 "./thumbnails/$(basename "${img%.*}")_thumbnail.jpg";
# extract first frame of video as png
for file in *.mp4; do
ffmpeg -i "$file" -vf "select=eq(n\,0)" -vframes 1 "${file%.*}.png";