The Origin of sung·a·tae

After a visit to the DMV in 2016 to get my driver’s license, I received a license in the mail with my name misspelled. Instead of Sungtae Kim, it had Sungatae Kim with an awkward “a” between the two syllables of my first name (scroll down to see the license). At the time, I couldn’t be bothered to visit the DMV again, so I carried it around for almost 2 years until I got it fixed.

When starting out this blog, I originally wanted, but unfortunately the domain had already been taken. I could’ve compromised with a different TLD (I once owned, but I wanted the dotcom this time around. It adds an air of legitimacy that other TLDs like .life, .io, .co do not carry.

I had already used @sungatae as my Instagram handle before so I decided to use it for my blog too. Luckily, “sungatae” is not as commonly used as “sungtae” so I was able to buy the dotcom domain without difficulty.

The word “sungatae” is funny when you say it out loud, but I do like the look of it. It is sleek and slender, if you know what I mean. Anyway, that is the short story of how came about.



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